Step 3: Filling-in the dots to indicate the number of letters in each word

Now we need to provide more clues for the person who is receiving your wristband message to be able to figure it out–that’s where the dots come in. In your message “You’re my best Friend”, the first word “you’re” contains 5 letters.

The first dot represents the first word, and it should be colored Black because it contains 5 letters. Next, skip a dot (because skipping a dot means a new word), and color the next dot red because “my” has 2 letters. This is what you should have so far:

The first dot is colored Black since the first word “you’re” has 5 letters. The second dot is blank, indicating the next dot is a new word. The third dot is colored red, since “my” is two letters long.

Skip another dot (because skipping a dot means a new word), and color the next dot pink (because “best” has 4 letters). Here’s where it gets kind of tricky. The last word “friend” has 6 letters. You would color the first dot black, and the next dot blue, because black + blue = 6. The person trying to figure this out would know that since blank dots represent spaces between words, if they see two dots in row colored, they need add the colors together! Here’s how the outside of the band should look for the message “You’re my best friend”:

“Friend” has 6 letters, so color the first dot black, and the next dot Blue (Black = 5, Blue = 1 for a total of 6.

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