Dear Chris,
Do you remember the math games I used to play with you and your sister, Michelle, when the two of you were growing up? The math games we used to play consisted of a group of numbers you would add, subtract, multiply or divide to come up with an answer. I would give you these numbers out loud and you would have to solve them in your heads and give me the answer right after I gave you the last number. In the beginning, I started you off with a simple group of numbers you could solve easily, and in time, you and your sister became human calculators.
I created the math games, not only to help you at school, but also to challenge the speed of your mind. I often think back to those days and remember how much we enjoyed playing the math games in our car. As I think back on those days, they are some of the fondest memories I have of the two of you growing up.
The reason I am writing this letter, is to introduce you to a new math game I have created for others to play and learn from. In this new game I am giving them only ten numbers to play with, they can only use them one time in the equation, they must be used in sequential order, and total to 21. I know the game is so much harder now than how we used to play it years ago, and therefore, I have created an interactive game of 21 template on the website that you can use to play the game. I have created five different levels to the math game and I believe the game will be as challenging for those starting to learn math at the lower levels as it will be for the most accomplished mathematicians at the higher levels. Knowing how good you are with these math games, I’ll leave you with this most difficult challenge – can you solve Level 5?.