Greeting Card 21 Envelope

Choose Your Envelope Color

Instructions for printing a Color Envelope:

  1. Select the envelope color you would like to use. (See above)
  2. Select File from tool bar to Print.

Instructions for printing a Greeting Card 21 Envelope:

  1. Select a 21 word poem.
  2. Select File from tool bar to Print.

Instructions for printing a Color Envelope with a Greeting Card inside:

  1. Select the envelope color you would like to use. (See above)
  2. Select File from tool bar to Print.
  3. Reinsert color envelope back into the printer to now print a greeting card on the opposite side.
  4. Select a 21 word poem.
  5. Select File from tool bar to print.

Instructions on how to make an Envelope:

  1. Trim along the blue line as instructed. (See illustration 3)
  2. With the letter side up, fold the upper-left corner of the envelope to the center. (See illustration 4)
  3. Fold bottom-right corner to the center. (See illustration 5)
  4. Fold the bottom-left corner to the center to overlap the two side corners. (See illustration 6)
  5. Apply Glue to the upper-right corner with a glue stick. (See Illustration 7)
  6. Fold down and press the last corner to seal the envelope. (See Illustration 8)

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