Dear Debby
I love you more today than yesterday
And even more with every moment inbetween tomorrow and forever.
Love Henry
Enjoy your Birthday
and a magical day of close friends
surprising you with Love
May all your wildest dreams come true.
We are best friends
I may not see or talk to you daily
But you are the person I count on.
I think of all the wonderful things you are
And treasure your uniqueness
As there is no one else like you
I wish to celebrate through my heart your Birthday
With love, laughter and thousands of smiles
More than just one day.
I often think of you throughout the day
Always wondering by chance
Are you thinking of me in the same way.
The leaves of the trees have turn to different colors
The seasons come and go
But not my feelings for you.
My love for you resides deep in my heart
From the moment I awake
To the moment I close my eyes.
You are an extraordinary person
Deserving of a Birthday full of life's pleasures
And wonderful dreams that really come true.
Your Birthday is as much a celebration for me
As it is for you
Everyday with you is the best ever.
You are without question the most important part of my life
I can't even begin to imagine
Life without your love.
As we both head to work and say our goodbyes
I can't wait even seconds
to be with you again.
A Birthday comes just once a year
So I wish for you
the best day ever full of laughter and love.
In my quite thoughts I think of only you
And the indescribable feelings of love
I will always have for you.
I wish everyone could see how much we have in common
The love we share is timeless
Today, tomorrow and forever.
Indifferent stars and somewhat moon finds me in quiet thoughts
Thinking of what might have been
Had I never met you.
May today's Birthday Be the best one ever for you
Full of sunshine and close friends
To share in the festivities.
In the moonlight of fragile feelings
You have helped me shift the winds of changes
From despair of hope and
Life for the two of us is full of laughter
And sharing of intimate feelings
And thoughts always of each other.
Life is full of amusing moments
Slow down just a little
Catch your breath
Take time to make yourself laugh often.
I wish to give you a Birthday thought
Deep from my heart
And show you how much you mean to me.
The Golden Gate Bridge is in stone's throw view
I'm in the midst of its majestic beauty
Thinking of only you.
Yesterday, I kissed you for the first time
And it was magical
Today, I can't wait to kiss you again.
You are without question the most important part of my life
I can't even begin to imagine
Life without your love.
You are my first thought in the morning sunrise
Every minute inbetween
And in my dreams at night to take into tomorrow.
Three years ago you passed away
Today, I continue to feel you deep in my heart
I really still miss you.
I've waited many years for love
To come into my life
I know the wait might be over meeting you.
A good deed for the day
Could be as simple as a smile and hello
To someone you may not know.
I love you for for how you are with me
A cup of life overflowing with laughter and smiles
Always and forever.
I may not express with words
Or show you with hugs and kisses
How much I love you
But I do.
You're my first thought of winter
Every moment inbetween and until the last snowflake falls
And make way for spring.
You're my best friend
We laugh at the same things that are funny
Same sense of humor
Only we can understand.
A memorable song on the radio
Reminds me of the most important person in my life
And that person is you
Happy Birthday my dear friend
I wish you lots of laughter and love
On your most special day of the year
Always challenge yourself
To deliver more than what others expect of you
For the respect of success is yours to define
Don't look back on yesterday
And what might have been
There is nothing you can do about it
Except change tomorrow
Even in the rush of the everyday
I'll always take the time
To appreciate how important you are as my friend
A promise I made years ago
To love you for the rest of our lives
Is even more magically true today!
You are and always have been my world, moon and stars
From our first date
To many years later without exception
It was an unforgettable moment when I first met you
And a magical moment
When you caress and kissed me goodnight