I may not have said it often but I want you to know you have it in you to be successful.
Believe in your dreams Imagine that nothing is impossible and live the life expecting more than others think is ever possible.
Practice is the pillar of accomplishment try to be better than you for there is no other competition harder than yourself.
Pause for a moment, think about how you can help others you will be surprised to learn how easy it is.
I’m here for you no matter what, ready to hold your hand and stand by your side with my heart.
I wish you the joy to give to others and the joy that’ll come back to you a hundred times over.
Catch wind in your sail, dare to explore, discover, dream and never look back disappointed by the things you didn’t do.
A true friend is someone who catches all of your tears and turns them in to rainbows and sunshine.
Mom, grateful you’ve’ changed the way I see myself, showing me the beauty of what I wasn’t able to discover on my own.
You have what it takes to take the steps and create the change you want to go after a better life.
Mom, just the way you quietly touch my heart and made me believe in me Is why I love you so?.
Best friends travel in each other’s heart through thick and thin how lucky I am to have you in my life.
Friendship is the unforgettable memories made by two impossible to replace once it touches the heart and never to be forgotten.
My heart will always be close to you through thick and thin I’ll always be there every step of the way.
MOM, you have made me what I am I love you more than you can imagine and I’m forever grateful.
Love is the heart of all that is right the beauty of a single rose and the miracle of no regrets.
Use talent you posses be confident in the face of adversity and trust your own instinct to make the right decision.
It might be though right now I know you have what it takes to make it through so hang in there.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the strength to go on and never to give up.
Have a "Can do Attitude" for what you want to accomplish can’t do it is the enemy of just do it.
The character beauty of life, are in coastal landscapes, break away mountains, green lush valleys with rivers meandering throughout and you.
Sometimes its better not to say a word, knowing your friendship is there for me is all I need to know.
There are detours ahead on the road we travel through life there impossible to avoid because we must experience them ourselves.
There is always more than one way to solve a problem if you think you can you are half way there.