The phrase, “No matter where I am in the world you will always be the closest one to my heart, always and forever” can be uniquely included in to the Inscribable Wristband by, first, identifying how many different letters are in the phrase, and second, how many words are in the phrase. Let’s take that phrase, “No matter where I am in the world you will always be the closest one to my heart, always and forever” as an example.
There are 19 different letters: identify how many times each letter appears in the phrase: color in the number 1 and any letters that appear one time (b, c, f, u, v) blue, color in the number 2 and any letters that appear two times (d) red, color the number 3 and any letters that appear three times (i, m) green, color in the number 4 and any letters that appear four times (h, n, y) pink, color in the number 5 and any letters that appear five times (w) black.
If a letter appears more than five times in a phrase you start the color sequence over and also color in half the letter now with the black color. Color the number 6 and any letters that appears six times (r, l) half blue and half black, color the number 7 and any letters that appears seven times (o, t) half red and half black, color the number 8 and any letters that appears eight times (a) half green and half black, color the number 9 and any letters that appear nine times (e) half pink and half black and any letters over 10 we will use 3 colors–one-third black, one-third pink and one-third blue.
There are 21 words:
Now, use the dots on the Inscribable Wristband to identify how many words are in the phrase with an open space between each word.
For example, in the below phrase:
“No matter where I am in the world you will always be the closest one to my heart, always and forever”
The first word of the phrase: (NO) is one dot colored in red because the color red represents the number 2 and there are two letters in the word (NO), the word (MATTER) has two dots colored in green because the color green represents the number 3 and two colored green dots add up to six as there are six letters in the word (MATTER) and so on, (WHERE) one red and one green dot (I) one dot in blue (AM) one dot in red (IN) one dot in red (THE) one blue and one red dot (WORLD) one blue and two red dots (YOU) one green dot (WILL) one blue and one green dot (ALWAYS) one blue, one red and one green dot (BE) one red dot (THE) one green dot (CLOSEST) one blue and two green dots (ONE) one green dot (TO) two blue dots (MY) one red dot (HEART) one red and one green dot (ALWAYS) two green dots, (AND) one dot in green (FOREVER) one green and one pink dot.

As you can see from the example above, there are different color combinations you can create to identify the number of letters that appears in the words longer than 5 letters.
For example here are some possible color combinations for the word “ALWAYS”:
One blue, one red and one green dot–or–one red and one pink dot–or–two blue and two red dots.